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StrappedUK Segments

StrappedUK identifies 14 separate groups of individuals and details how they are coping with the financial squeeze.

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Blessed Not Stressed.

Segment size = 5.1%

Stress Score = 300

Increase Costs Score = 1300

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Batch Cookers.


Can Pay Won't Pay.

Segment Size = 7.7%

Stress Score = 400

Increase Costs Score = 1400

Segment Size = 2.3%

Stress Score = 700

Increase Costs Score = 1500

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Every Little Helps.

Segment Size = 14.7%

Stress Score = 500

Increase Costs Score = 1100

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Coupon Cutters.

Segment Size = 11.7%

Stress Score = 250

Increase Costs Score = 1050

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Switch off the Lights.

Segment Size = 4.5%

Stress Score = 600

Increase Costs Score = 700

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Food Bank Explorers.

Segment Size = 8%

Stress Score = 700

Increase Costs Score = 750

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Learning to Lidl.

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Gas Guzzlers.

Segment Size = 4.5%

Stress Score = 600

Increase Costs Score = 700

Segment Size = 12.3%

Stress Score = 1400

Increase Costs Score = 1075

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Eat Now Pay Later.

Segment Size = 6.9%

Stress Score = 1500

Increase Costs Score = 1200

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Netflix and Leave.

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Feed or Fuel.

Segment Size = 7.5%

Stress Score = 1200

Increase Costs Score = 1175

Segment Size = 8.3%

Stress Score = 1400

Increase Costs Score = 1000

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Fuel Fatalism.

Segment Size = 4.3%

Stress Score = 1550

Increase Costs Score = 1150

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Scrimp and Save.

Segment Size = 3.5%

Stress Score = 1300

Increase Costs Score = 700

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